Caroline Worra, Soprano


Caroline Worra, soprano

Caroline Worra has been hailed by Opera News as "one of the finest singing actresses around." The soprano has sung over 100 roles in 80 operas, including over 20 regional, American, and world premieres. She is on 6 opera/classical recordings including Glory Denied by Tom Cipullo and received a Grammy nomination for Best Opera Recording for The Mines of Sulphur by Richard Rodney Bennett. She has performed operas worldwide with over 90 companies and on two U.S. National Tours with San Francisco’s Merola/Western Opera Theatre as Violetta in La Traviata and Rosalinda in Die Fledermaus. In concert, she has been a soprano soloist for Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 and Strauss’ Four Last Songs with the LaCrosse Symphony Orchestra in Wisconsin and at Carnegie Hall in Beethoven’s Mass in C, Britten’s Spring Symphony, Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass, Orff’s Carmina Burana, and gave a debut recital in Weill Hall. She is a recipient of the Shoshana Foundation/Richard F. Gold Career Grant.


Dr. Worra is a Minister of Music at First Presbyterian Church in Greenwich, Connecticut where she is the chair of the Young Musicians Festival in Voice and has a private voice and piano studio with her husband called “Mr. and Mrs. Music.” Caroline has been on the voice faculty at the Brevard Summer Music Institute for the Janiec Opera Company in North Carolina for the past 9 years and is the Artistic Director at Charlottesville Opera in Virginia, where she is beginning her fourth year running the Ader Emerging Artist Program